
Book subscription Bookchoice

Bookchoice lets you get carried away by a good book! Enjoy the best books, especially selected for you. Enjoy popular and recent thrillers, novels and literature. With Bookchoice you decide when and where you read or listen to the books.

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Let yourself be carried away by a good book! Enjoy the best books, especially selected for you. At Bookchoice you receive eight books every month as e-book and audiobook. From novels to thrillers and literature to non-fiction, there is something for everyone. You can read and listen to the books easily on your e-reader, tablet, smartphone or via the Bookchoice app. And, after downloading, the books are all yours! So you decide when and where you read or listen.

Treat yourself to one, two, three, six or twelve months of reading and listening pleasure with Pluimen. Which book will be your first one on the couch?

What do you get?

  • Each month 8 ebooks audiobooks.
  • The best books to download as ebooks and audiobooks Once downloaded, the books are yours forever.
  • The best ebooks and audiobooks available for download
  • The ebooks and audiobooks can be read and listened to in the free Bookchoice app.
  • You can read and listen on any device; e-reader, tablet, phone and desktop.
  • You can download the ebooks and audiobooks at any time.
  • After the expiry of your membership it will stop automatically and you're not stuck with anything. Signing up is not necessary!


What do you need to do?

Redeem your Pluim and receive the code directly by e-mail. Further instructions are on the voucher. The code can be redeemed until 31-07-2024.

Please note that ordered codes cannot be cancelled. There is no right of withdrawal applicable (see general conditions, article 10.6).

Benefits of Pluimen

  • Easy to redeem
  • Shipping costs included
  • Over 2000 leisure activities
  • Quick delivery